Maria Sikal
Lead Pastor
We came from away. We came from Ontario actually. Yet I have always known that God was calling me to my nation and from a kid there was a seed that always had me drawn to the East Coast. As my hunger grew for God my hunger also grew to see lives healed and set free and seeing Jesus truly loved and worshipped for all of who He is. Yet it was about 25 years ago that revival began to stir in my spirit and that it would sweep across this nation from East to West. But like John Lennon once said, life happens while we’re busy making plans. He obviously got that from God since He said it first. The Lord definitely orders our steps and sometimes He takes us on a detour… So, ministry was not always my vocation, but His timing is perfect. Actually, I was a self-employed consultant and entrepreneur serving as a lay pastor at Kennedy Road Tabernacle in Brampton for 15 years and then serving in various complementarian roles at Crossroads Alliance in Ingersoll Ontario for almost 10 years. Into the thick of it all, I was also in school studying Theology part time, as if life was not busy enough parenting 4 kids. Once we raised and launched these 4 amazing humans, what better time to say “Lord we are all Yours and all in” … Sometimes God just wants you to take the leap and just show up without having to know it all or even understand it all. So off we came from away trusting Him, saying our goodbyes to family and hosts of friends, leaving careers and comforts, not knowing where in Nova Scotia we would land. But God, my two favourite words in His Bible. He knew where He chose for us to be and so here we are, in Westing Hants County.
We are so blessed to serve this on fire remnant group of people known as Glad Tidings Worship, who we now call Family.
We would love for you to join us on the journey of Jesus’ mission….