
STEPS: Gospel-Centered Recovery

A 13-Session Discipleship Program for Small Groups

Steps is a gospel-centered recovery resource that takes people to the root of sin and suffering and leads them to embrace the freedom found only in Christ’s redemption. Based on a successful program at The Village Church and featuring teaching videos from Pastor Matt Chandler, this 13-session discipleship tool is essential for Christian counselors, support groups, and recovery ministries.

Most people hear the word recovery and think of major addictions. But we all wrestle with something: anger, gossip, greed… To embrace the freedom found only in Christ’s redemption, we must get to the root of sin and suffering. Building on the incomplete truths of traditional recovery programs, Steps helps disciples see these truths through the light of Scripture and a personal relationship with Jesus.

The Components

Steps consists of daily Bible study and reflection, one-on-one mentoring, sharing in small groups, and a large-group teaching time.

Small Groups

Biblical Community

Relationships are necessary components to our spiritual growth. During the first hour of each week’s group session, participants are divided into small groups. The group leader begins with prayer and then guides discussion.


Sitting Under the Word

The second hour is spent in the large group with a related video teaching for the week’s study.


Personal Discipleship

Mentors are believers who have faithfully completed the Steps program and the necessary training and have developed sufficient spiritual maturity to disciple someone else. Participants and mentors are responsible to meet together weekly.

Daily Study

Feeding on the Word

Daily homework—a combination of Bible study, reflection, and prayer—is required throughout the Steps program. In addition, questions are designed to challenge participants to honestly and prayerfully examine their lives in light of the Scriptures they are studying.


Equipping in Confession and Repentance

In the middle of the program, we will transition from homework to assessment work. This is a time of reflecting on and writing about specific sins, situations, and relationships that may be robbing us of the freedom we have in Christ.

Sessions Information

We offer two Sessions that run for 12weeks.
Sign up for our fall session starting the week of September 12th, 2022.

Registration Form